IPL for Hair Reduction

(IPL for Hair Reduction Aftercare)

We offer permanent hair reduction: This means that in most cases the majority of the hair will not return after a short series of treatments. 

The hair that is going to disappear for good will usually stop growing within the initial course, with any residual hair growth being finer, softer, lighter in colour and regrowing at a dramatically slower rate.  This residual hair growth can be left alone, or you can have occasional maintenance treatments.

Treatment Plan

  • This course of treatments will usually be 6-8 treatments 4-6 weeks apart.

What to Expect

  • Because treated follicles have been heated, the area may swell sometimes for a day or so. Swelling result from heat, not infection, and is therefore normal and expected.
  • Crusts can occasionally form in some spots, as well as some darkening of pigmentation. Do not pick at these areas.
  • You may notice dead hair surfacing from one week after treatment. This process is called purging and will take time to complete.  You can wipe away these hairs with a damp cloth or exfoliate with a loofah once the sensitivity of treated area is resolved, usually one week after treatment.

 Care of the treated Area

  • Apply a cold pack if needed 1-2 hours after treatment to relieve swelling or sensation. Apply soothing/healing product as prescribed by your therapist.


  • Do not scratch or pick the area.
  • Do not have a hot shower (tepid only) during the first 24 hours post treatment.
  • Wear protective clothing or use sun block to keep area away from sun exposure.
  • Do not do a heavy, sweaty workout 24 hours post treatment.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us immediately.

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